
Ergebnisse für '500 YEARS OF AMERICA 1492-1992':
10 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Columbus Segelschiff
10 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Jahre Amerika, Christoph Kolumbus mit Segelschiff Santa Maria, Silbermünze
... 10 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Columbus Segelschiff. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, William Penn
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Founder of Pennsylvania
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, William Penn. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, The Pinzon Brothers
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Captains of the Nina and Pinta
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, The Pinzon Brothers. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Martin Frobisher
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Martin Frobisher
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Martin Frobisher. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Juan de la Cosa
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Juan de la Cosa
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Juan de la Cosa. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jose de san Martin
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Jose de san Martin
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jose de san Martin. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, John Hawkins, Silbermünze
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, John Hawkins, silver coin.
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, John Hawkins, Silbermünze . ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jacques Marquette
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Jacques Marquette
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jacques Marquette . ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Gold rush in North America
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Gold rush in North America
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Gold rush in North America. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, George Vancouver
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, George Vancouver
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, George Vancouver. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Francisco de Orellana
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, silver coin
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Francisco de Orellana. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Diego de Velasques
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Diego de Velasques
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Diego de Velasques. ...
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Amerigo Vespucci
50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Amerigo Vespucci
... 50 Dollars, 1993, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Amerigo Vespucci. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro Menendez
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Pedro Menendez de Aviles
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro Menendez. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro de Alvarado, Münze, Silber
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Pedro de Alvarado
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro de Alvarado, Münze, Silber . ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, The Oregon Trail
Pioneer route to the West, 50 Dollars, 1992 der Cookinseeln, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992.
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, The Oregon Trail . ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Lewis and Clark Expedition,
Silbermünze der Cookinseln: 500 Jahre Amerika, 1492-1992, Lewis and Clark Expedition
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Lewis and Clark Expedition,. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Independence Hall
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Independence Hall
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Independence Hall. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro de Mendoza, Silbermünze,
500 jährige geschichte Amerika´s: Der Konquisator Pedro de Mendoza auf der 50 Dollar Silbermünze der Cookinseln.
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro de Mendoza, Silbermünze,. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Juan Ponce de Leon
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Juan Ponce de Leon, Entdecker von Florida
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Juan Ponce de Leon. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Giovanni Verrazano
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Giovanni Verrazano
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Giovanni Verrazano. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Diego de Almagro, Silver
500 Jahre Amerika: Der spanische Eroberer Diego de Almagro. 50 Dollars Silbermünze von 1992 der Cookinseln.
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Diego de Almagro, Silver . ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro de Valdivia
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Pedro de Valdivia
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro de Valdivia. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Vitus Bering
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Vitus Bering
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Vitus Bering. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, John Davis, Silbermünze
Entdecker von Grönland: John Davis und die Davis Strait ins Silber auf dieser 50 $ Münze der Cookinseln.
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, John Davis, Silbermünze. ...
50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Francisco Vasquez Coronado, Silber
Der spanische Konquistador, Vasquez Coronado ist auf dieser Münze aus Silber zu 50 $ der Cookinseln abgebildet.
... 50 Dollars, 1992, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Francisco Vasquez Coronado, Silber. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Emperor Maximilian
Maximilian I (Mexiko), Kahedrale von Mexiko City, 50 $ Cook Islands.
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Emperor Maximilian . ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, The first Railway Route
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Bau der Eisenbahn
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, The first Railway Route. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Robert Fulton
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Robert Fulton
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Robert Fulton. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Marquia de Lafayette
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Marquia de Lafayette
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Marquia de Lafayette. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Boston Tea Party
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Boston Tea Party
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Boston Tea Party. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Peter Minuit.
Peter Minnewitt, beim Ankauf von Manhatten. Silbermünze 50 $, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Peter Minuit.
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Peter Minuit. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jesuit Church in Cuzco,
Kathedrale der Jesuiten von Cuzco: 50 $, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jesuit Church in Cuzco,. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Francisco Pizarro
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Francisco Pizarro
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Francisco Pizarro. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Maya Priest, Chichen Itza,
Ein Priester der Maya vor dem Observatorium in Chichen Itza bei der Huldigung der Götter. 5$ Cook Islands, 500 Years of America.
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Maya Priest, Chichen Itza, . ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Alexander Mackenzie
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Alexander Mackenzie
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Alexander Mackenzie. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Mayflower - Pilgrim Fathers.
Die Pligerväter und das Schiff Mayflower auf der Silbermünze zu 5 $ der Cook Islands aus der Münzserie 500 Years of America, 1492-1992.
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Mayflower - Pilgrim Fathers. ...
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Sitting Bull
50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Sitting Bull
... 50 Dollars, 1991, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Sitting Bull. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Walter Raleigh
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Walter Raleigh
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Walter Raleigh. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Samuel de Champlain
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Samuel de Champlain
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Samuel de Champlain. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Hernando Cortez
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Hernando Cortez
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Hernando Cortez. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Inka Fürst
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Inca Prince
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Inka Fürst. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Mark Twain
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Mark Twain
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Mark Twain. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Símon Bólivar
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Simon Bolivar
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Símon Bólivar. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro Alvares Cabral
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Pedro Alvares Cabral
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Pedro Alvares Cabral. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Henry Hudson
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Henry Hudson. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Abraham Lincoln
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Abraham Lincoln and the Capitol in Washington
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Abraham Lincoln. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Vasco Nuñez De Balboa
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Vasco Nunez De Balboa
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Vasco Nuñez De Balboa. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jacques Cartier
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Jacques Cartier
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jacques Cartier. 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Jacques Cartier 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Jacques Cartier..Die schö ...
50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Christopher Columbus
50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Christopher Columbus
... 50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Christopher Columbus. ...
50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Captain James Cook
50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Captain James Cook
... 50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Captain James Cook. ...
50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Ferdinand Magellan
50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Ferdinand Magellan
... 50 Dollars, 1989, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Ferdinand Magellan. ...
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Sir Francis Drake
50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, 1492-1992, Sir Francis Drake
... 50 Dollars, 1990, Cook Islands, 500 Years of America, Sir Francis Drake. ...
$5 Dollars, USA, 1992 W, Christopher Columbus, 500 years, Quincentenary, Half Eagle, 1492-1992 Gold
5 US Dollars, Half Eagle, 1992 W, Five Dollars, Gedenkmünze zur 500er Jahrfeier Christopher Columbus, Goldmünze, Golddollar
... $5 Dollars, USA, 1992 W, Christopher Columbus, 500 years, Quincentenary, Half Eagle, 1492-1992 Gold. ...